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Histomorphometric method for age-at-death estimation using the anterior side of the femoral midshaft

Panagiota Bantavanou, Frank Siegmund, Konstantinos Moraitis, Pavlos Pavlidis, Andreas Bertsatos, Efstratios Valakos, Maria-Valeria Karakasi, Maria-Eleni Manthou, Christina Papageorgopoulou. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports


An investigation of enamel hypoplasia and weaning through histomorphological analysis and Bayesian isotope mixing models

Panagiota Bantavanou, Elissavet Ganiatsou, Angelos Souleles, Angeliki Georgiadou, Panagiota Xanthopoulou, Asterios Aidonis, Christina Papageorgopoulou. Dental Anthropology: A Publication of the Dental Anthropology Association


Digital 3D facial approximation of the Petralona skull. Methodological issues and applications

Asterios Aidonis, Charisios Achillas, Dimitrios Tzetzis, Athanassios Athanassiou, Elli Karkazi, Andreas Darlas, Christina Papageorgopoulou. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports

Descent, marriage, and residence practices of a 3,800-year-old pastoral community in Central Eurasia

Jens Bloecher, Maxime Brami, Isabelle Sofie Feinauer, Eliza Stolarczyk, Yoan Diekmann, Lisa Vetterdietz, Marina Karapetian, Laura Winkelbach, Vanessa Kokot, Leonardo Vallini, Astrid Stobbe, Wolfgang Haak, Christina Papageorgopoulou, Ruediger Krause, Svetlana Sharapova, Joachim Burger. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences

Stature estimation in Ancient Greece: population-specific equations and secular trends from 9000 BC to 900 AD

Marianna Koukli, Frank Siegmund & Christina Papageorgopoulou. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences

WEaning Age FiNder (WEAN): a tool for estimating weaning age from stable isotope ratios of dentinal collagen

Elissavet Ganiatsou, Angelos Souleles & Christina Papageorgopoulou. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences

Application of machine learning on isotopic data from tooth microsections for reconstructing weaning patterns and physiological stress

Elissavet Ganiatsou, Angeliki Georgiadou, Angelos Souleles , Asterios Aidonis, Tania Protopsalti, Stavroula Tzevreni, Krino Konstantinidou, Stella Vasileiadou, Frank Siegmund, Christina Papageorgopoulou Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports


Breastfeeding and Weaning in Roman Thessaloniki. An Investigation of Infant Diet based on Incremental Analysis of Human Dentine

Elissavet Ganiatsoua ,Efrossini Vika, Angeliki Georgiadou, Tania Protopsalti & Christina Papageorgopoulou. Environmental Archaeology

Ancient mitochondrial diversity reveals population homogeneity in Neolithic Greece and identifies population dynamics along the Danubian expansion axis

Nuno M. Silva, Susanne Kreutzer, Angelos Souleles, Sevasti Triantaphyllou, Kostas Kotsakis, Dushka Urem-Kotsou, Paul Halstead, Nikos Efstratiou, Stavros Kotsos, Georgia Karamitrou-Mentessidi, Fotini Adaktylou, Areti Chondroyianni-Metoki, Maria Pappa, Christina Ziota, Adamantios Sampson, Anastasia Papathanasiou, Karen Vitelli, Tracey Cullen, Nina Kyparissi-Apostolika, Andrea Zeeb Lanz, Joris Peters, Jérémy Rio, Daniel Wegmann, Joachim Burger, Mathias Currat & Christina Papageorgopoulou Scientific Reports,12, 13474 (2022)

The genomic origins of the world's first farmers

Nina Marchi, Laura Winkelbach, Ilektra Schulz, Maxime Brami, Zuzana Hofmanová, Jens Blöcher, Carlos S Reyna-Blanco, Yoan Diekmann, Alexandre Thiéry, Adamandia Kapopoulou, Vivian Link, Valérie Piuz, Susanne Kreutzer, Sylwia M Figarska, Elissavet Ganiatsou, Albert Pukaj, Travis J Struck, Ryan N Gutenkunst, Necmi Karul, Fokke Gerritsen, Joachim Pechtl, Joris Peters, Andrea Zeeb-Lanz, Eva Lenneis, Maria Teschler-Nicola, Sevasti Triantaphyllou, Sofija Stefanović, Christina Papageorgopoulou, Daniel Wegmann, Joachim Burger, Laurent Excoffier Cell,185, 1842-1859.e.18.


The genomic history of the Aegean palatial civilizations.

Clemente, F., Unterländer, M., Dolgova, O., Amorim, C. E. G., Coroado-Santos, F., Neuenschwander, S., Ganiatsou, E., Cruz Dávalos, D. I., Anchieri, L., Michaud, F., Winkelbach, L., Blöcher, J., Arizmendi Cárdenas, Y. O., Sousa da Mota, B., Kalliga, E., Souleles, A., Kontopoulos, I., Karamitrou-Mentessidi, G., Philaniotou, O., … Papageorgopoulou, C. (2021)Cell, 184(10), 2565-2586.e21.

Trepanations in the ancient Greek colony of Akanthos: Skull surgery in the light of Hippocratic medicine.

Aidonis, A., Papavramidou, N., Moraitis, K., & Papageorgopoulou, C. (2021). International Journal of Paleopathology, 35


Archaeometry: an Overview.

Liritzis, I, Laskaris, N, Vafiadou A, Karapanagiotis I, Volonakis, P, Papageorgopoulou, C, Bratitsi, M. (2020). Scientific Culture, Vol. 6, No. 1, (2020), pp. 49-97.

Ancient Greek colonisation in retrospect: population projections from the birth of colonies.

Zisis A, Zafeiris K, Xanthopoulou P, Papageorgopoulou C. (in press).

Ongoing tissue changes in an experimentally mummified human leg.

Morozova, I., Öhrström, L. M., Eppenberger, P., Bode-Lesniewska, B., Gascho, D., Haas, C., Akgül, G., Neukamm, J., Röthlin, K. A., Imhof, A., Shved, N., Papageorgopoulou, C., & Rühli, F. J. (2020). Anatomical Record, 303(12).


The Greeks overseas: a bioarchaeological approach (Book Chapter)

Zisis T, Papageorgopoulou C. (2019). . Greek Art in Motion: Studies in honour of Sir John Boardman on the occasion of his 90th birthday. Archaeopress Archaeology. pp. 335-342

Ancient Greek colonies in Thrace: health and diet reconstruction of the first settlers (Book Chapter)

Zisis T, Lösch S, PapageorgopoulouC. (2019). Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology. Cologne/Bonn, 22 – 26 May 2018 (in press).


Investigating the sex-related geometric variation of the human cranium.

Bertsatos, A., Papageorgopoulou, C., Valakos, E., & Chovalopoulou, M. E. (2018). International Journal of Legal Medicine, 132(5).

Bayesian estimation of partial population continuity using ancient DNA and spatially explicit simulations.

Silva, N. M., Rio, J., Kreutzer, S., Papageorgopoulou, C., & Currat, M. (2018). Evolutionary Applications, 11(9).

The Neolithic of Northern Greece and the Balkans - the environmental context of cultural transformation in Quarternary International (Book)

Urem-Kotsou D., Tasić N., Burić M., Papageorgopoulou C. (2018)


Age-related changes in the craniofacial region in a modern Greek population sample of known age and sex.

Chovalopoulou, M. E., Bertsatos, A., & Papageorgopoulou, C. (2017). International Journal of Legal Medicine, 131(4).

Cranium asymmetry in a modern Greek population sample of known age and sex.

Chovalopoulou, M. E., Papageorgopoulou, C., & Bertsatos, A. (2017). International Journal of Legal Medicine, 131(3).

Archaeology and anthropology at the dawn of genomic era revolution. (Book Chapter)

Papageorgopoulou C., 2017. Archaeology and anthropology at the dawn of genomic era revolution. An interdisciplinary journey from the present to the past, 25 anniversary volume of the Department History and Ethnology, Thessaloniki, Stamoulis, 333-347.


Early farmers from across Europe directly descended from Neolithic Aegeans.

Hofmanová, Z., Kreutzer, S., Hellenthal, G., Sell, C., Diekmann, Y., Díez-Del-Molino, D., van Dorp, L., López, S., Kousathanas, A., Link, V., Kirsanow, K., Cassidy, L. M., Martiniano, R., Strobel, M., Scheu, A., Kotsakis, K., Halstead, P., Triantaphyllou, S., Kyparissi-Apostolika, N., … Burger, J. (2016). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113(25), 6886–6891.

Multidisciplinary identification of the controversial freedom fighter Jörg Jenatsch, assassinated 1639 in Chur, Switzerland.

Haeusler, M., Haas, C., Lösch, S., Moghaddam, N., Villa, I. M., Walsh, S., Kayser, M., Seiler, R., Ruehli, F., Janosa, M., & Papageorgopoulou, C. (2016). PLoS ONE, 11(12).

Ειδικά θέματα σκελετικής ανθρωπολογίας, ταφονομίας και βιοαρχαιολογίας Ελληνικά Ακαδημαϊκά συγγράμματα (Book)

Παπαγεωργοπούλου Χρ, Μωραΐτης Κ., Νικήτα Ε., Ηλιόπουλος Κ., Βήκα Ε. (2016) ISBN 978-960-603-468-8 (308 σελ.).

Anthropological Pathways. (Book)

Simitopoulou Κ, Ζafeiris Κ., Theodorou Th., Papageorgopoulou C. (2016) Festschrift for Prof. N.I. Xirotiris. Εκδόσεις Μήστης Ηράκλειο (290 σελ.) in press


Modeling Ancient Egyptian Mummification on Fresh Human Tissue: Macroscopic and Histological Aspects.

Papageorgopoulou, C., Shved, N., Wanek, J., & Rühli, F. J. (2015). Anatomical Record, 298(6).

Histology of a Woolly Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) Preserved in Permafrost, Yamal Peninsula, Northwest Siberia.

Papageorgopoulou, C., Link, K., & Rühli, F. J. (2015). Anatomical Record, 298(6).

Anthropologische Auswertung der menschliche Skelettreste. (Book Chapter)

Kaufmann B., Hillenbrand-Unmüssig Ch., Xirotiris N., Papageorgopoulou C. (2015) In Graenert Gabriele. Die früh- und hochmittelalterlichen Bestattungen vo Gumefens/Sus Fey (Freiburg, Schweiz) Die Ausgrabungen 1979-1980. Academic Press Fribourg, Freiburger Archaeologie 24, 81-195.

Die Anthropologische Untersuchung von Jürg Jenatsch (Book Chapter)

Papageorgopoulou C. (2015) In: Manuel Janosa (Ed.) Unter der Orgl begraben, das Grab der Jürg Jenatsch in der Kathedrale zu Chur, Archäeologischer Dienst Garubünden, Somedia Bucherverlag, Chur, 19-42.


Post mortem DNA degradation of human tissue experimentally mummified in salt.

Shved, N., Haas, C., Papageorgopoulou, C., Akguel, G., Paulsen, K., Bouwman, A., Warinner, C., & Rühli, F. (2014). PLoS ONE, 9(10).

Αρχαίο DNA: εφαρμογές, προοπτικές, περιορισμοί. (Book Chapter)

Παπαγεωργοπούλου Χ. (2014) Στο Λ. Στεφανή, Ν. Μερούσης, Α. Δημουλά (επιμ.), Εκατό χρόνια έρευνας στη Προϊστορική Μακεδονία 1912-2012, Πρακτικά Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου, 22-24 Νοεμβρίου 2012, Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Θεσσαλονίκης, εκδόσεις Ζήτη, Θεσσαλονίκη, 477-488.


Y-chromosomal analysis identifies the skeletal remains of Swiss national hero Jörg Jenatsch (1596-1639).

Haas, C., Shved, N., Rühli, F. J., Papageorgopoulou, C., Purps, J., Geppert, M., Willuweit, S., Roewer, L., & Krawczak, M. (2013). Forensic Science International: Genetics, 7(6).

Modeling ancient Egyptian embalming: Radiological assessment of experimentally mummified human tissue by CT and MRI.

Panzer, S., Borumandi, F., Wanek, J., Papageorgopoulou, C., Shved, N., Colacicco, G., & Rühli, F. J. (2013). Skeletal Radiology, 42(11).

Der Friedhof im Benediktiner kloster St . Martin in Disentis /Mustér – die anthropologische Untersuchung.

Studer C, Papageorgopoulou C (2013) Jahresbericht des Archäologischen Dienstes Graubünden 39-57

Short report: Standardised osteological assessment of inhumations: skeletal preservation, databases and variables.

Papageorgopoulou C (2013) Bulletin der SchweizerischenGesellschaftfür Anthropologie,19: 9-15.

Harris Lines (Book Chapter)

Papageorgopoulou C. (2013) Harris Lines. In Hermanussen M (ed.) Auxology Studying Human Growth and Development. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 154-155.


Fundamentals of Paleoimaging Techniques: Bridging the Gap Between Physicists and Paleopathologists.

Wanek, J., Papageorgopoulou, C., & Rühli, F. (2012). A Companion to Paleopathology.


Harris lines revisited: Prevalence, comorbidities, and possible etiologies.

Papageorgopoulou, C., Suter, S. K., Rühli, F. J., & Siegmund, F. (2011). American Journal of Human Biology, 23(3).


Preservation of cell structures in a medieval infant brain: A paleohistological, paleogenetic, radiological and physico-chemical study.

Papageorgopoulou, C., Rentsch, K., Raghavan, M., Hofmann, M. I., Colacicco, G., Gallien, V., Bianucci, R., & Rühli, F. (2010). NeuroImage, 50(3).

Diagnostic morphometric applicability of confocal laser scanning microscopy in Osteoarchaeology.

Papageorgopoulou, C., Kuhn, G., Ziegler, U., & Rühli, F. J. (2010). International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 20(6).


Indications of embalming in Roman Greece by physical, chemical and histological analysis.

Papageorgopoulou, C., Xirotiris, N. I., Iten, P. X., Baumgartner, M. R., Schmid, M., & Rühli, F. (2009). Journal of Archaeological Science, 36(1).